Friday, August 31, 2007

Commenting Without An Identity

Anonymous comments on a blog are so lame. If you have something to say, then you should have accountability for your actions. As an anonymous commenter, there is no credibility in your words- no matter how good they may be. I just finished reading an article by Allan Hoffman from The Star Ledger on commentators. It's titled: " Commenters steal the bloggers' show."

He starts off by writing: " If you want to find lively and intelligent conversations online, you've got to head to a Weblog, or blog." Why is he talking down to his readers like they've never heard of blogging.

To top it off, on a post about commenting on blogs, you can't comment on his. Wake up Commentators on blogs don't steal the show they add to it. It's quite obvious they would steal the show if allows comments. I guess that's why they don't.

Another gem is when he writes: "Bloggers also try to hypercharge their blogs by encouraging comments." Hypercharge? So what he's saying is that a blogs content is mediocre unless you have a brilliant commentator. Hey Allan, it's about exchanging thoughts and ideas. I know it's a new concept for you "Old Media" types, but guess what? It's the present and the future of media. The old stream media doesn't like to share their powers, but Pandora's Box has been opened. By reading this article, you would swear it was coming from a developing nation that wasn't too up on technology. Here's a tip for his next article: Typing Steals The Written Word

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